Advance Java Lab Manual (22517) Answers MSBTE I Scheme

 Advance Java Lab Manual (22517) Answers MSBTE I Scheme

Hello Everyone , Welcome to Coding Campus . Today I here with Important  Subject that is Advance Java Lab Manual (22517) Answers. So in this  Article I  have posted  Advance Java Lab Manual Answers .  In   this post only 1,2 and 3rd Practical   had been posted . Share this blog with your friends and Comment down for further practical Answers ,so I will get notify.

  Practical  1  : Write A program to demonstrate the use of AWT Components.

 Practical 2  : Write A Program To design a Form using The Component List and Choice.

Practical 3 : Write a Programe to design simple calculator with the use of GridLayout.

 What is Advance Java ?

It is a part of Java programming language. It is an advanced technology or advance version of Java specially designed to develop web-based, network-centric or enterprise applications. It includes the concepts like  JSP, JDBC, RMI, Socket Programming etc. It is a specialization in specific domain.
Most of the applications developed using advance Java uses tow-tier architecture i.e. Client and Server. All the applications that runs on Server can be considered as advance Java applications.
  1. JEE (advance Java) provides libraries to understand the concept of Client-Server architecture for web- based applications.
  2. We can also work with web and application servers such as Apache Tomcat and Glassfish Using these servers, we can understand the working of HTTP protocol. It cannot be done in core Java.
  3. It is also important understand the advance Java if you are dealing with trading technologies like Hadoop, cloud-native and data science.

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