Due to these reasons you get low marks !!!

 Due to these reasons you get low marks !!!

Marks dropped; would my father now reprimand me? Will my mother be upset? We worry about this. Students of all ages experience worry if I receive bad grades. But frequently, even if you put in a lot of study time, you still don't succeed academically. Even though I did a lot of studying, my grade on the paper was lower. Why does this happen? What specifically is wrong? So let's look at today's article on the factors that contribute to your poor score.

 1) There will be a misconception that I have studied
Whatever you receive in your class attention. We consider the reading, writing, and comprehension contained therein to be equivalent amounts of study. We are mistaken in that regard. Every lesson and every concept that we don't fully comprehend is our own fault.

2) Important and unimportant
We focus on and study some things more because they are significant. Some items are disregarded because they seem unimportant. However, the exam specifically asks about the topics that are disregarded since they cannot be studied or written. Then we hazard a guess and get the erroneous response.

3)The mentality that I am not smart 😓
Those that consistently receive high grades are intelligent people. There is a misconception that students may succeed even with minimal study. Actually, you can earn good grades if you study it thoroughly and deliberately. I'm not smart, but some kids are. So, no matter how much I study, I will still receive worse grades. This mindset is incorrect. Find your own method of learning and get rid of any barriers. You'll undoubtedly earn good grades.

4)I don't like this Subject..
Some pupils exclusively focus on their favourite subjects while avoiding challenging ones. It is unavoidably a human propensity. However, doing so while studying would be a grave error. In the academic calendar, all subjects are to be studied. Consequently, each subject should receive an equal amount of time.

5)Comparison with others  !
Do you assess yourself in relation to your friends? If he studies for only an hour and yet receives good grades, then I will also receive the same grades if I study for only an hour. Each person has a unique capacity for thought. If your friend grasps a topic right away, it can take you longer to comprehend it. So why should we evaluate ourselves in relation to others? Create your own method of learning.

These are the main causes of the low grades received by many students. There can be further factors. Do you have a justification for your lower score? Please leave a remark.
keep Growing ❤

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