Software Testing Lab Manual (22518)Practical 4 Test Functionality Of Railway Reservation.

Software Testing Lab Manual (22518) 

Practical 4 : Test Various Functionality Of Railway Reservation System

* Practical Related Question.

1) Give Significance of Testing in Railway Reservation System.
Ans => Check of genuiness of reservation of  officer not below the rank of senior scale should take the reservation at least one month  and also contact some of the parties have made reservation to make sure that the reservation are bonafide and no Malpractices are being indulged in.

2)What are different test methodologies that  shall be applied while testing railway reservation system ? Justify?
Ans => Different test methodology are :
1) Unit testing : Unit testing is a software testing technique by means of which individual units of software example group of computer program models usage procedures and operating procedures and artested to determine whether they are suitable for us or not.
2) Integration  Testing : Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combine and tested in conducted to evaluates the complaints of a system or component with specified functional requirement.
3)System Testing: System testing of a complete and fully integrated software product this testing false in a black box testing where in knowledge of the inner designer of the code is not prerequisite and its done by testing .

3) Give Significance of System Testing in Railway Reservation System
Ans=> To make ticketing more convenient for travelers, Indian Railways has started an online reservation system, which helps us in booking tickets from the comfort of our homes or offices. ... You will then use this account to book a railway ticket and also cancel a railway reservation that you have made in past.

*Exercise : 

1)Prepare Test Cases to check availability  of any train travelling from Mumbai to Delhi in next 5 days


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