Programming With Python (22616) Lab Manual Answers PRACTICAL 1

Programming With Python (22616) Lab Manual Answers  PRACTICAL 1 

Hello Friends In this Article I have Posted Programming with Python Lab Manual Practical No 1

  Practical 1:   Install And Configure Python IDE

The theory, practical experiences, and necessary soft skills connected with this course are to be taught and applied in such a way that the student can show the following industry-oriented COs associated with the competency listed above:
  1. Using the Python script in the IDE, display a message on the screen.
  2. Create a Python program to show how to utilize Operators.
  3. In Python, perform operations on data structures.
  4. Create functions for a specific situation.
  5. Create classes to solve a specific problem.
  6. Deal with exceptions.

Features of Python Language :

Python supports the following features.

1. Simple and easy to Learn :

  • The syntaxes of python language are very simple. Anybody can remember the python language syntaxes, rules and regulations very easily.
  • The elegant syntaxes of the Python language make the people learn python most comfortably.
  • Without having any other programming languages knowledge, we can learn python directly.
  • The simple and powerful syntax of python language makes the programmers express their business logic is fewer lines of code.

2. Platform Independent :

  • Like Java programs, Python programs are also platform independent.
  • Once we write a Python program, it can run on any platform without rewriting once again.
  • Python uses PVM to convert python code to machine understandable code.

3. Portability :

  • The python applications or portable. The applications which are developed by python on one platform are going to execute any platform without making any changes (re-compiling is not required).
  • To achieve the portability feature for the every operating system a separate python software is developed for every version.

4. Free and Open Source & Redistribution:

  • Python is an open source language so that anyone can use the python software without purchasing the licence.
  • Anyone can read the python source code and can able to do the modification in the source code and also we can redistribute that code to others.

5. High-Level Language :

  • Python is a high-level language.
  • While developing python applications, developers no need to bother about memory management.

6. Dynamically Typed Language :

  • Python is a dynamically typed language. I mean, in python there is no need to declare the type of a variable.
  • Whenever we assign a value to the variable, based on the value the type will be allocated automatically.

7. Python supports POP & OOP :

  • Python language supports both Procedural Oriented Programming and OOP features.
  • We can implement OOPs features like Encapsulation, polymorphic, inheritance and abstraction in the Python programming language.

8. Python is interpreted Language :

  • Python is interpreted language.
  • Python applications do not require explicit compilation so that compiler is not required for python software.
  • Python interpreter is responsible for the execution of python applications.
  • Whenever we run a python application, the python interpreter checks for the syntax errors. If there are no syntax errors found in our code, then the interpreter converts the code into intermediate code in the form of low-level format and executes it.
  • The intermediate code of the python applications is known as byte code.
  • The extension of the byte code file is .pye (Python Compile Code)

9. Python is Embeddable :

  • We can embed the python code into other languages such as C, C++, Java, Etc..
  • To provide the scripting capabilities to other languages we can use the python code in it.

10. Extensive Libraries :

  • Python language is proving huge built-in libraries. Developers can use the built-in libraries for their applications.
  • By making use of these built-in libraries, development will become faster.
  • We can easily add and use the third party libraries in Python applications.

11. Develop GUI & Web Application :

  • We can develop GUI based applications using Python Languages.
  • We can also develop Web applications using Python Language.

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