Software Testing Practical 6 : Testing Functionality of Web Page

 Software Testing Lab Manual Answers (22518)

Practical 6 : Testing Functionality of Webpage.

*Practical Related Questions .

1) Give Significance of performance  and stress testing for web applications .
Ans => 
            1) Performance Testing : Website performance testing and web app performance testing assess your site’s efficiency in comparison to its specifications. The key focus of website performance testing is to determine the overall responsiveness and performance under average loads. This type of testing should be performed early and often to uncover any potential imbalances in the software architecture or its implementation.
As an example, website performance testing and web app performance testing might uncover the monopolization of resources or unexpected latency. Both issues are easier to correct in the early stages than the later stages of development or testing.
The result of these performance tests and subsequent modifications is to create a set of baseline measurements or performance testing metrics. These baselines are then applied whenever the website or web app is changed, to ensure the processing efficiency and responsiveness are preserved and improved.
          2) Stress Testing : Stress testing is an essential and beneficial process that provides otherwise unattainable insight into the performance of your web and mobile applications under extreme load. Identifying the potential breaking points in your application will allow you to correct them before they become expensive issues in production.
 The object of stress testing is identify the issues that only occurs when the system is overloaded and whether the system can recover smoothly

2) What is necessity of configuration testing describe various configuration that are required to be considered while performing website testing  ?

Ans =>  1)Necessity of  Configuration testing : it is a type of software testing which verify the performance of the system under development against various combinations of software and hardware to find out best configuration under which the system can work without any flows or issues while matching its functional requirements . Software configuration testing is mainly about the different installing and uninstalling different versions of different software used in order to come up with the best combinations, this can be time-consuming as well, that’s why the virtual machines approach is usually used in software configuration testing, a virtual machine can simulate a specific real software configuration. so instead of installing and uninstalling different software configurations, multiple virtual machines can be used, each will simulate a real different software configuration.

        2)Configuration Required while performance testing : 1. OS Configuration 2. Browser Configuration 3. Database Configuration 

3) Describe various security testing to be perform for web  applications give its importance ?
Ans=> 1) Dynamic Application security test (DAST) :If you deploy your web application into a new environment, your application may become exposed to new types of attacks. For example, misconfigurations of your application server or incorrect assumptions about security controls may not be visible from the source code.Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) examines applications for vulnerabilities like these in deployed environments.
         2) Static Application Security test (SAST) : Static application security testing (SAST) is used to secure software by reviewing the source code of the software to identify sources of vulnerabilities. Although the process of analyzing source code has existed as long as computers have existed, the technique spread to security in the late 90s and the first public discussion of SQL injection in 1998 when Web applications integrated new technologies like javascript and flash
         3) Penetration Test : A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated cyber attack against your computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. In the context of web application security, penetration testing is commonly used to augment a web application firewall (WAF) .
        4) Runtime Application Self Protection(RASP) : Runtime application self-protection. Web application security. v. t. e. Runtime application self-protection (RASP) is a security technology that uses runtime instrumentation to detect and block computer attacks by taking advantage of information from inside the running software.

* Exercise 
1) Test Cases for  web Page testing .

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