Software Testing Lab Manual MSBTE (22518) Practical 3 Design Test Cases Of Calculator

Software Testing (22518) Manual 

 Practical 3 : Design Test Cases of Calculator to Verify its functionality 

* Practical Related Questions.

1) State Key Factors to be Tested in Black Box Testing 

Ans=>  Black box Testing is an eye to eye  base checking which checks how for software can function will  . This is required mainly to check for a software information will however one has to be aware of box that come in the ways of testing process the over all testing adapts a complete life cycle. . where there are number of stages like need integration ,system , acceptance , final and regression testing stage.

2) What are the sources of knowledge  of black box testing ?

Ans=> 1)Decision table testing 

             2) boundary value analysis 

             3) stage graph 

             4)causes effect graph 

             5) error guessing

             6)Equivalence Partioning 

3)State Advantages and Disadvantages of Black box Testing 


a)Advantages of Black Box Testing

  • Unbiased tests because the designer and tester work independently
  • Tester is free from any pressure of knowledge of specific programming languages to test the reliability and functionality of an application / software
  • Facilitates identification of contradictions and vagueness in functional specifications
  • Test is performed from a user’s point-of-view and not of the designer’s
  • Test cases can be designed immediately after the completion of specifications

b)Disadvantages  of Black Box Testing

  • Tests can be redundant if already run by the software designer
  • Test cases are extremely difficult to be designed without clear and concise specifications
  • Testing every possible input stream is not possible because it is time-consuming and this would eventually leave many program paths untested
  • Results might be overestimated at times
  • Cannot be used for testing complex segments of code
*Exercise :
1)Generate Test Cases to perform Airthmatic Operations 

TestCase IDTest CaseSteps to be ExecutedTest DataSteps to ExecutedExpected ResultActual ResultPass/Fail
CAL_01Check if all the numbers are working ( 0 to 9)Open CalculatorClick on numbersChek working of numbersNumber should be clickableNumbers working properlyPass
CAL_02Check if the clear key is working.Open CalculatorClick on clear keyCheck clear works or not click on itClear should work properlyClear is working properlyPass
CAL_03Check if the calculator closes when the close button is pressedClose Calculator by clicking on exitClose ButtonClick on Close buttonCalculator should closeCalculator is closedPass
CAL_04Check if the calculator allows copy and paste functionality.Open CalculatorCopy number and pastePaste some copy numbersCalculator should not allow copy pasteCalculator not allowed copy pastePass
CAL_05Check if the sum or corresponding key is working.Open CalculatorKeys like sum,sub..Click on keyskeys should workKeys are workingPass
CAL_06Check if the calculator window maximizes to the specified window size.Open CalculatorMaximize ButtonClick on MaximizeWindow should maximizeWindow maximized correctlyPass
CAL_07Check the addition of two integer numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Addition symbol1.Type First number 2.Click on + sign 3.Type Second number 4.Click on =Addition of two number should displayAddition displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_08Check the addition of two negative numbers.Open CalculatorTwo negative Numbers,Addition symbolType two negative numbers and click on =Addition of two negative number should displayAddition displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_09Check the addition of one positive and one negative number.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Addition symbolType one positive one negative number and click on =Addition should be displayedAddition displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_10Check the subtraction of two integer numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Substraction symbol1.Type First number 2.Click on - sign 3.Type Second number 4.Click on =Substraction of two number should displaySubstraction displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_11Check the subtraction of two negative numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Substraction symbol1.Type two negavtive numbers on =Substraction of two number should displaySubstraction displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_12Check the subtraction of one negative and one positive number.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Substraction symbolType one positive one negative number and click on =Substraction of two number should displaySubstraction displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_13Check the multiplication of two integer numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Multiplication symbol1.Type First number 2.Click on * sign 3.Type Second number 4.Click on =Multiplication of two number should displayMultiplication displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_14Check the multiplication of two negative numbers.Open CalculatorTwo negative Numbers,Multiplication symbol1.Type two negavtive numbers on =Multiplication of two number should displayMultiplication displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_15Check the multiplication of one negative and one positive number.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Multiplication symbolType one positive one negative number and click on =Multiplication of two number should displayMultiplication displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_16Check the division of two integer numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Division symbol1.Type First number 2.Click on * sign 3.Type Second number 4.Click on =Division of two number should displayMultiplication displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_17Check the division of two negative numbers.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Division symbol1.Type two negavtive numbers on =Division of two number should displayDivision displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_18Check the division of a number by zero.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Division symbolType one number divide by zero and click on =Cannot divide by zero should be displayedCannot divide by zero is displayedPass
CAL_19Check the division of a number by a negative number.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Division symbolType one positive divide by one negative number and click on =Division of two number should displayDivision displayed on textfieldPass
CAL_20Check the division of zero by any number.Open CalculatorTwo Numbers,Substraction symbolType zero divide by any number and click on =Division of two number should displayDivision displayed on textfieldPass

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