Software Testing Lab Manual Practical 1

 Software Testing Lab Manual 

Practical 1 Test Cases for purchase order system

Hello Everyone , Welcome to Coding Campus We are providing Msbte lab manual solutions for Diploma Student of computer And information Technology. So , in today artical i have shared Software Testing Lab Manual answers. 

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PRACTICAL 1 : Design Test Cases for purchase order management based on System Specifications.

Help To Write The Test Cases

1)click the URL link for the online purchasing site.

2)Register if not registered before, Enter user name,login
id and password, Click ‘OK’ button to submit.

3)Enter your login id and password,if you are a.

4)Validate the login id and password, if correct menu page
will be opened.

5) If not correct,display the error message "invalid login
id or password".Re-enter your login id and password.

6)Click the item field and select the item.

7)If available, display the cost and brand, else
display " item is unavailable".

8)click 'YES' to do online purcahsing for the item else
click 'NO'.

9)If 'YES' go to the payment type, else display the 'EXIT'

10)click the payment type options and select the mode of

11)Fill the fields- account holder's name, bank name,
credit/debit card option, card detail, price to be paid,
email id etc.

12) If invalid information is given, show error message "
please re-enter "

13)If black field is present, display message "all the
fields are mandatory".

14)Click "SUBMIT" button.

15)Display the successful submission message "successfully

16)Press 'EXIT' button.

17)Show the message " successfully logged off"

Why Software Testing Is Important ?

Improved quality :Testing and quality go hand in hand. Quality can be measured by the number of defects identified during testing. These will then be fixed within a software development lifecycle. This will continue throughout the development phase. Continuous testing enables the quality of the software to be improved.
Testing enables you to see what the software does and how well it does it. This allows the business to measure the quality of the software before it goes live.
We all make mistakes
There is no such thing as a defect-free system, and we all make mistakes. This is especially true when developing a system that is complex. Developing software without testing is just a guessing game. When code is written and functionality is developed, it is important to verify that the system works as expected. Testing will also check that it works according to requirements.
Reduce risks
Defects must be sought out and either fixed or removed from the final product. This is to ensure that the system can run as expected during live operation. When a critical defect is discovered in a live environment, the impact and severity are both high. This is because it affects the end user. Continuous testing is therefore very important. It helps to mitigate the risks and ensure that the software is ready for live operation.
Cost Effective
Nobody wants a project to overrun, but it often feels as though the budget will run out sooner than anticipated. Sometimes it seems that the expenses are higher towards the end of the project.
Questions at this point can relate to why the project go-live is being pushed. They can also query the amount of money being spent in fixing system issues. Project delay is not only due to poor software quality though this is certainly one of the more common reasons. It is often more time consuming and difficult to fix a defect when it is discovered at a later stage. When a large amount of the system has already been built, fixes can drive expenses up.
Testing should be done early and continuously. This will enable the system to be stronger. It will also give the project manager better control over the budget (time and money). Discovering defects and fixing them at an earlier stage can reduce unexpected costs at the end of the project. In a worst case scenario, it can reduce costs once the system is in live operation.

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