Software Testing Lab Manual Answers Practical 2 Design Test Cases For Inventory Management System

 Software Testing Lab Manual Answers

Practical 2  :Design Test Cases for Inventory Management System based on system Specification

* Practical Related questions :
1) What are the major system specifications for inventory management system.?
Ans => 1)An easy to use interface that doesn't required advanced training, support or documentation
             2)Automation for eliminating manual  process of business functions related to inventory  management.
                3)A reliable ,secure database that provides accurate, real time data.
                4) Performance that enables last actionable inventory monitoring & control .

2)What are system functions of Inventory management system ?
Ans => 1) Improved productivity & Efficiency.
             2) Avoid stucks -outs. & over stock.
             3)Quality management
             4) Easy inventory management.
             5) Improved profitability
             6)Planned Management 
             7) Balance Supply & Demand   

3)Give the significance of inventory management system  as per  Business perspective .
Ans => 1)Inventory management system is important to small business because it help them to prevent stack out manage multiple locations and ensure accurate record keeping an inventory solution makes these processes is here then trying to do them manually.

4) Prepare Test cases for inventory  management system.
Ans =>

TestCase IDTest CaseTest DataSteps to ExecutedExpected ResultActual ResultPass/Fail
IM_01Compare System daya and physical inventorySystem data and Physical data1.Collect information abound physical data present 2.Collect system data both dataBoth Data should matchedBoth data is matchingPass
IM_02Configure item expiry datesMaterial1.Check Expiry dates mntioned correctly or notExpiry Date should be appropriateExpiry date is given correctlyPass
IM_03Remove items from bin as scrap or expiredExpired or scratch material1.Check Expiry dates mntioned correctly or not 2.Throw it into binScratched material should be thrown into binScratched / expired material is thrown into binPass
IM_04Record excess itemsItems stock availabel in excess amount1.Check material which available in more amountRecord should be maintained of those materialRecord is maintainedPass
IM_05Configure bay, bin/bucket settings and allocate itemsBay,bin,bucket means storage for all1.check that storage is availableStorage should be available as requiredStorage is availabel for itemsPass
IM_06Configure base price and depreciation settings of itemsItem price1.Configure Price for itemsApropriate price should be given based on todays marketbase price are correctlyy assignedPass
IM_07Manage bin cleaning dataBin dataManage bin dataBin data should be managed effiecientlyBin data is handled correctlyPass
IM_08Configure item categories and sub categories and map itemsItem categoriesConfigure items and their categoriesItem categories and sub categories should be configured correctlyConfigured item categories and sub categories and mapped itemsPass
IM_09Search product availabilityProduct stockCheck product stockdemandable product should be availableProduct is available in proper rangePass
IM_10Verify that preventive maintenance records such as fire extinguisher details etc available or not .Preventive measures productsCheck whether safety measures available or notPreventive measures should be availablePreventive measures are availablePass

*Exercise  :
1)Generate the test cases to validate Suppliers contact details like Mobile Number  Email Address
Ans => 1) 
a) Test Cases For the Mobile Number Field
  1. Verify that the mobile number field should display the accepted format of the mobile number as the placeholder text for user assistance.
  2. Add a valid mobile number and verify the field should accept the correct mobile number.
  3. Verify user can copy and paste the mobile number in the field or not.
  4. Verify mobile number field should accept only the numeric value by entering alphabets.
  5. Verify mobile number field should accept only the numeric value by entering the special character.
  6. Verify by entering the less number than the actual mobile number.
  7. Verify the behaviour by adding more digits than the actual mobile number.
  8. Verify field accepts the space (s) between the mobile number or not according to the requirements.
  9. Verify an error message shown for the blank input for the Mobile Number Field.
  10. Verify by adding only the spaces in the Mobile Number Field.
  11. Verify correct mobile number is saved in the database or not by click on the Save or Next button.
b) Test cases for email validation 
  1.  Verify email id can contain a dot in the address field.
  2. Verify email id can contain a dot in the subdomain field.
  3. Verify email id can contain a plus sign.
  4. Verify email id can contain an IP address in square bracket.
  5. Verify email id can contain quotes.
  6. Verify email id can contain digits.
  7. Verify email id can contain an underscore.
  8. Verify email id with a valid top-level domain name is valid.
  9. Verify top-level domain can contain a dot.
  10. Verify email id with a dash is considered valid

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